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Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses Upcoming Visit to Congress in Speech to Conference of Presidents Leaders

Jerusalem, February 16, 2015…In a speech to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations convening in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Iranian nuclear issue and the rational for his upcoming visit to the U.S. answering three questions: Why Washington? Why Congress?  Why now?

“As the Prime Minister of Israel I need do everything in my power to prevent the conclusion of a bad deal that would endanger Israel.  The deal being formulated will allow Iran to the capability to build many nuclear bombs. They will finally have the means to destroy Israel,” explaining why he would travel to Washington at the beginning of March.

The Prime Minister noted that he was “not opposed to all deals, but to a bad deal.”  The current proposal that seems to be in the making “will not solve the problem of Iran but perpetuate the problem and create a path for the Islamic state to become a nuclear power,” he told the 100-plus American Jewish leaders.

Answering “Why Congress?” the PM said, “Because Israel is being allowed to state its case. The speech allows Israel to represent its position to the representatives of the U.S. people and the public.  How could anyone refuse such an invitation?”

As to “Why Now?” Prime Minister Netanyahu stated his belief that the whole world will be in peril if Iran becomes a nuclear state.  He noted the destruction and terror perpetrated by Iran now through its proxies in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen without nuclear power.  “Can I guarantee that my speech in Congress will prevent a dangerous deal?”  “No,” he stated, but it was his “duty as the Prime Minister of Israel to make Israel’s case knowing that our case is just, sound and the best hope for a peaceful solution.”





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