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Conference of Presidents Mourns Loss of Edgar Bronfman, Sr.

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations leaders, Robert G. Sugarman, Chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, CEO, mourn the passing of Edgar Bronfman Sr. whose dedication and devotion to the Jewish people, especially the younger generation, left a lasting mark. Edgar led the World Jewish Congress as President for more than two decades during which time he engaged in a broad range of diplomatic initiatives addressing a variety of critical challenges from Soviet Jewry to securing reparations funding. His devoted leadership as chair of the Board of Directors of Hillel and the Bronfman Youth Fellowship, which he founded, reflect his commitment to assuring the involvement of young Jews. Edgar also served as president of the Samuel Bronfman Fund which contributed to many Jewish causes.


We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, and in particular to our dear friend Mathew Bronfman, who carries on his father’s commitment to Jewish service and continuity. 

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