Arthur Stark, Chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, issued the following statement:
According to newly released budget figures from the Palestinian Authority, it has increased the “pay to slay” salaries provided to perpetrators of terrorist acts against Israelis, providing lifetime pensions to perpetrators or to their surviving relatives. At a time when they are cutting salaries of Palestinian Authority employees, they are increasing the amounts set aside to those who murder and wound Israelis. This, despite the condemnation of most of the Western world of the practice of rewarding and inciting such wanton acts of terror and destruction. The United States, Israel, and other countries have withheld funds equivalent to the amounts spent on this outrageous program. It once again demonstrates that the Palestinian Authority has no concern for their people who bear the brunt of the impact of the cutoff of the funds. The fact that the government did not only not cut off the payouts but increased the funding is a clear sign that President Abbas has no interest in improving relations with other states and meeting international accepted standards. It is imperative that other countries join the US and others who have taken a stand on this matter to make it clear that it will only further isolate the Palestinian Authority in the international community and deny it the support it so desperately needs.