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Conference of Presidents Leaders Welcome Trump Administration Disavowal of Reported U.S. Officials’ Comments That the Western Wall “Is Not Part of Israel”

New York, NY . . . Leaders of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations today were dismayed over earlier media reports that unidentified U.S. officials in Israel told Israeli counterparts that the Kotel (Western Wall) in the Old City of Jerusalem was not in Israel and is “part of the West Bank” and welcomed the prompt statement by the Trump Administration clearly disavowing the comments.

Stephen M. Greenberg, Chairman and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the Conference of Presidents said, “We were dismayed by press accounts earlier today reporting that, in response to a request that Prime Minister Netanyahu to accompany President Trump when he visits the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, unidentified U.S. officials said the Kotel was not in Israel and is ‘part of the West Bank.’ 

We welcome the prompt statement by the Trump Administration that ‘The comments about the Western Wall were not authorized communication and they do not represent the position of the United States and certainly not of the president.”   

This incident underscores the terrible damage caused by serial UN resolutions, including UN Security Council Resolution 2334, denying the more than three thousand years of the Jewish connection to Israel and the holiest sites in the Jewish religion, which the Trump Administration has said it will work to reverse.”