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Conference of Presidents Leaders Commend Bipartisan Congressional Support Authorizing Funding for U.S.-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation in Fiscal Year 2017

New York, NY, December 12, 2016 … Leaders of the Conference of Presidents today welcomed the overwhelming bipartisan vote in both houses of Congress adopting the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2017 which includes authorization of funding for U.S.-Israel missile defense joint research and development and procurement in fiscal year 2017.  The NDAA authorizes more than $600 million for cooperative missile and rocket defense research and development between Israel and the U.S. and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow-3 rocket and missile defense systems.

“The inclusion of these provisions in the NDAA underscores the ongoing strong bipartisan support in Congress for America’s commitment to Israel’s safety and security and Israel’s crucial role as a vital ally and stabilizing presence in the region”, said Stephen M. Greenberg, Chairman and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of the Conference.

“At a time of mounting dangers to U.S. national security interests in the Middle East and the direct threats to Israel on its borders from the devastating war in Syria, Hezbollah’s expanding arsenal of sophisticated and longer range missiles and rockets aimed at Israel’s civilian population, and the constant menace of Hamas and other terror organizations in Gaza, all supported and driven by the deadly hegemonic ambitions of Iran, Congressional support for critical resources to enhance U.S.-Israel security cooperation sends a strong message reinforcing the common interests, and shared objectives of the two democratic allies. 

Technological advances developed by Israel shared with the U.S. improve the safety of our troops and our civilians at home and tens of thousands of jobs are created in the U.S. defense and related industries by Israeli purchases. 

A safer and more secure Israel remains a bulwark of America’s foreign policy in the Middle East and directly contributes to our nation’s security interests.”

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