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Statement on Israel’s Arrest of Suspects in Arab Teen Murder

Sunday, July 6, 2014, New York, NY… Robert G. Sugarman, Chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations issued the following statement on the reported arrest in connection with the killing of Arab teen Muhammed Abu Khdeir:


“We learned with anguish and sorrow that the investigation by Israeli authorities appears to have determined that the perpetrators of the murder of Muhammed Abu Khdeir  are Israeli citizens.  There is no justification for such an heinous attack by self-styled vigilantes.  We condemn this attack, as we did the murder of the three Israeli youths by Arab terrorists last week and we extend our sincere condolences to the Khdeir family.”


“We urge Israeli Arab and Palestinian leaders to work with Israeli officials to stop the violence that has been escalating over recent days.  We commend the Israeli government and services for their intensive investigation that has led to these arrests and urge that the perpetrators be brought to the bar of justice as soon as possible.”


“We also urge that measures be implemented to stop all incitement to violence whatever and whoever the source.  There has been much suffering this week and we pray that it will come to a quick end.  All violations of the law must and will be thoroughly examined.”

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