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American Jewish Leaders Demand Hamas Release Hostages

As the families of the US hostages held in Gaza arrive in Washington this week, we, leaders of major American Jewish organizations, once again demand that Hamas release the hostages and emphasize that the hostages remain top of mind for the American Jewish community. Pidyon shvuyim, the mitzvah of redemption of captives, is a core value of Jewish communities everywhere.

The American Jewish community will always stand with Israel as she defends herself against existential threats. Our hearts are with our brothers and sisters in Israel – those serving in the IDF, those evacuated from their homes, those awaiting their family member’s return – and we pray to celebrate the release of the hostages together soon.

May all soon live in safety and peace.


On behalf of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the following organizations:

Alpha Epsilon Pi Ameinu
American Friends of Likud American Israel Public Affairs Committee
American Jewish Committee American Jewish Congress
American Sephardi Federation American Zionist Movement
AMIT Anti-Defamation League
ARZA B’nai B’rith International
BZ Media CAMERA-Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis
Cantors Assembly Central Conference of American Rabbis
Emunah of America Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America Iranian American Jewish Federation
JCC Association of North America Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Federations of North America Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish National Fund Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Jewish Women International Maccabi USA
Mercaz USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement NA’AMAT USA
National Council Supporting Eurasian Jewry National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Young Israel ORT America
Rabbinical Assembly Rabbinical Council of America
Religious Zionists of America UJA-Federation of New York
Union for Reform Judaism Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism WIZO USA
Women of Reform Judaism Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
World Zionist Organization Executive – North America Zionist Organization of America
Israeli American Council Simon Wiesenthal Center
StandWithUs World Jewish Congress North America


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